Play! It’s a fun way to learn.
I believe creativity comes from doing. This is a collection of the creative experiments I do in my free time.
As a self taught musician I approach music with fun because fun will keep me playing.
I think about music as organizing sound.
Painting and sketches is about be in the moment and figure it out how to make it work in the world that you can’t undo most of the process is keep going and make thing works, the benefit of it is accept the mistake you have and continue to solve the problem and try to turn it to something that might be unexpected result. Also in the moment of being patient and enjoy the slowness while making it an art. And enjoy the limited options I have and use my creative mind to come up with something. Also accept the failure that might happen and learn from it.
I’m grateful for technology that makes it easier and faster for us to achieve our creative ideas. I’m not picking a side where I want to stand either digital or analog, I see them as choices for me to achieve the creative mind. Here are some digital illustrations I have done.

These are some other animation I have done for other projects or for personal experimenting.